Chapter Application Print PDF Email *Name (primary contact): Name (co-leader is optional): Name of chapter (city or area): *Email: *Phone: *Address: *City: State: —Please choose an option—ALAKASAZARCACOCTDEDCFMFLGAGUHIIDILINIAKSKYLAMEMHMDMAMIMNMSMOMTNENVNHNJNMNYNCNDMPOHOKORPWPAPRRISCSDTNTXUTVTVIVAWAWVWIWY Zip: *Country: (If you don’t already have an email or website, please don’t set one up until you have read page 10 of the Chapter Handbook here: You must be a member in order to start a chapter. If you are NOT a member, join first and then apply to start a chapter. If you are not a member, please do not apply. Yes, I am a current member of WAPF yesno The closest existing WAPF chapter to me is in How many miles away is the closest chapter? (Please note, if there is an existing WAPF chapter closer than 10 miles to you, we ask that you work with the existing chapter rather than start a new one.) I (we) agree to the following: Create a food resource list that provides information on sources of organic foods, milk products from pasture-fed livestock (preferably raw), pasture-fed eggs and livestock and properly produced whole foods in the local area. 1. To allow the phone number and email address listed above to be published on the website and in the Foundation’s quarterly magazine. 2. To promote membership by providing the Foundation’s informational brochure to inquirers, and making it available as appropriate in local health food stores, libraries and service organizations and to health care practitioners. 3. To provide a yearly report of local chapter activities. 4. To be a member of the foundation in good standing. Once the chapter is set up, we will send an introductory packet of 50 brochures and 5 journals. The initial packet of brochures is provided free of charge. However, a donation of $30 to $100 to help defray expenses would be gladly accepted. By submitting this form, I agree to the above requirements: Name and Date: Changes can be submitted by sending an email to -- This mail is sent via Weston A. Price Foundation Δ