From: Heart’s Pasture <>
Subject: Farm Submission for Local Chapter Resource List – Heart’s Pasture
1. Name of farm: Heart’s Pasture
2. Farmer’s/Farm Family name: Todd and Amanda Wolter
3. Street address: 7699 Moore Rd.
4. City: Alanson
5. State (2-letter abbreviation): MI
6. Zip: 49706
7. Phone number: 317-213-1580
8. Email:
9. Website:
Type of Farm/Farm Practices
10. Are you Certified Organic? No
11. Are you Certified Biodynamic? No
12. If you are not Certified Organic, do you use organic production methods? Yes
13. Do you use synthetic fertilizers? No
14. Do you use any of the following: nonorganic pesticides, herbicides, parasiticides, or fungicides? No
Animal Husbandry
15. Do you keep livestock? Yes
16. What animals do you keep?
Chickens (list breeds): Easter Eggers
Ducks (list breeds):
Turkeys (list breeds):
Other Poultry (list type and breeds):
Cows (list breeds):
Goats (list breeds): ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Pigs (list breeds): AGHA registered American Guinea Hogs
Sheep (list breeds):
Other Animals (list type and breeds): Blanc de Hotot rabbits
17. Do you use antibiotics? No
18. Do you use antibiotics? No
19. Are the animals pasture-fed? Yes
20. How much and for how long: Our animals are on mixed woodland pasture all spring/summer/fall, any time there is not too much snow on the ground. Our chickens are completely free range on our 15 acres 365 days a year.
21. Do you practice managed grazing? Yes
22. Do you apply compost or compost tea? Yes
23. Do you apply other soil amendments? No
24. Do you use supplemental feed?
For poultry (list type): Soy-free, organic layer feed
For cows, sheep, and/or goats (list type): Goats receive 1-2 lbs. per day, only while they are in milk to help with milk production, of a high quality, soy-free mix containing chopped hay, whole peas and oats, spirulina, and other herbs.
For pigs (list type): In addition to the leaves, bugs, and tubers available in our woods the pigs receive a modest ration of local, no-spray barley, corn, and oats.
Raw Milk
25. Do you supply raw milk? Yes
26. Do you keep your barn and milk room clean? Yes
27. Do you keep the cows clean/teats washed? Yes
28. Do you thoroughly wash your milking equipment after every milking? [farm_27]
29. Are cows with mastitis or other health problems excluded from milking? Yes
30. Are cows tested for disease? Yes
Which tests, and how often: CAE, Johnes Disease, and CL, each goat is tested upon entry into our herd. We have never had a positive test.
31. Is the milk routinely tested for pathogens, coliform count? Yes
Which tests, and how often: We send our milk to a lab for SCC count and overall quality check, about once a month.
32. Is the farm water routinely tested? Yes
33. Are milk and milk products kept well chilled? Yes
34. Other/Explain (list any other routine practices, or explain any of your answers above?
Butchering Practices
35. Do you sell milk? Yes
36. Meat butchered at a USDA-certified or state-certified abattoir? No
37. Meat butchered on the farm? No
38. Describe or explain any butchering practices: We do not sell meat at this time.
Farm Products
39. Please check off the products you sell and list current prices
Raw whole milk: Herdshare available. $50 one time buy in. One share is equal to one half gallon a week, and costs $12.50/week.
Raw butter:
Raw cream: I make raw goats milk ice cream regularly and could work it into your share. Talk to Farmer Amanda for more details.
Raw ice cream: I make raw goats milk ice cream regularly and could work it into your share. Talk to Farmer Amanda for more details.
Raw sour cream:
Raw yogurt:
Raw kefir:
Raw cottage cheese:
Cheese (list types):
Other dairy (list):
Other meat:
Other poultry:
Eggs (list type, chicken, duck, etc) : Easter Eggers, pale blue/green eggs
Produce (list typical offerings): Winter-harvested potatoes, potato CSA
Prepared foods (list typical offerings): Sourdough Bread made with organic flour and sea salt
Additional Information
40. Do you only sell animals that are raised on your farm at the address listed?
40a. Details:
41. Are the animals born on your farm at the address listed? Yes
41a. Details:
42. Do you ever purchase animals from auctions or from your processor or do you ever buy parts from your processor (whole pork bellies…)? No
42a. Details:
[textarea farm_41a]
43. Do you personally attend to your animals at least once a day or do you hire help or farmers to do that for you? Personally Attend
43a. Details:
[textarea farm_42a]
44. Do you purchase pre-mixed feed from an elevator or do you grind your own? Purchase
44a. Details:
[textarea farm_43a]
45. Where can customers find you? (check all that apply):
45a. Details:
[textarea farm_44a]