Hover over the “Resources” tab above with your cursor to see the different pages. Please use this list as a general guide; it’s always best to double-check with the farmer or rancher to verify how they currently feed and raise their animals, as practices can change over time. If you find a discrepancy, please email: Boulder.WAPF@gmail.com.
Local farms are vital to our food supply and economy so WAPF encourages members to shop locally whenever possible. Before you buy from farmers, ask questions about what they care for and feed their animals, how much time the animals are on pasture, how frequently pastures are rotated, whether they spray their produce with pesticides or other chemicals, how they process their products, etc…arrange a farm tour if you can! Never assume anything when buying from farmers—some local farmers spray pesticides on their produce and feed soy and conventional/GMO grains to their animals (organic grains are necessary to guarantee non-GMO). Sometimes their definition of “pasture” is a small pen outdoors. Much of the beef found at farmer’s markets is grain-finished rather than 100% grass-fed. Also, most meat chickens currently available at local farmer’s markets and stores are fed GMO soy and grains; you have to hunt to find soy-free, pasture-raised eggs.
Purchasing a portion of a whole animal can save money; check with farmers about this option, animals are often butchered in the late summer/early autumn when pastures are going dormant but some farms have a regular, monthly butchering schedule. Ask questions about how the butcher prepares sausages (as these typically do not have organic ingredients) and how they are curing meats (such as bacon and hams) because each butcher is different; this information will be as important as how the animal is raised. If you are concerned about how the animals are treated, you can also ask farmers about their slaughtering practices, which can be very revealing.
More local farms can be found at Eat Wild Colorado and Local Harvest. Sources for raw milk can be found at Real Milk.
A restaurant list was added but wasn’t able to be added to the drop down menu, so access that here: https://chapters.westonaprice.org/boulderco/resources/restaurants/
If you have visited a farm or ranch yourself, or have up-to-date information not listed here, please contact Erin, Boulder chapter leader, at Boulder.WAPF@gmail.com
Boulder WAPF Chapter Local Farm Food List