Athena Lynn Osborn was inspired to begin working with chickens by her need and desire for nutrient-dense, well-raised animal foods, and her affinity for chickens from childhood. She is excited to share her experience, including her ample errors and failed experiments(!), in raising chicks and chickens as “naturally” as possible. She also watched the rise and fall of a chicken “co-op,” and sees real potential for success in that model.
Athena has been a chicken farmer (or “Chicken Lady” as she prefers to be called) for nearly a decade. After receiving her BA from UC Santa Cruz in an Independent Major entitled “Political Theater in the Community,” and spending time as a vagabond folksinger in Scotland and the U.S., she explored re-wilding, communal living and farming.
Her hope and vision now is to inspire you to become more food-resilient and self-sufficient, as well as deliciously- and nutritiously-fed.